Harrachov is a famous resort in the Krkonoše Mountains. It lays along the Mumlava River at the foothills of Čertova hora. Harrachov is in Liberec Region next to Poland where you can get when just driving straight.
Harrachov offers perfect amenities for individuals as well as families. Children can enjoy ski and tenis schools. Bowling and wellness are also popular. Once you decide to visit Harrachov you will not regret it.
Harrachov in Winter
At the foothills of Certova hora there are various pistes and ramps for ski jumping as well as cross-country skiing routes. One can ski from the upper lift station to another lift at Rýžoviště – Čertova hora where there are three pistes. In 1908 the Winter Sport Association was established and since then people have been enjoying winter sports here. The latest tourist attraction is a bobsleigh.

Harrachov in Summer
Harrachov and its surroundings offer several routes for hiking and biking for both families and active sportsmen. You can rent a bike, play tenis at courts, play minigolf, go bungee jumping or swim at the pool. You can both relax and be active here. Try tandem jumping or paragliding or ride a four-wheeler.

Harrachov - History
The original village Dörf was founded in the 17th century and at the beginning of the 18th century its name was changed to Harrachov.
Traditional glass works have been here since the 14th century. The local glass work is the second oldest in the Czech Republic. One can visit many sights such as the Ski Museum or classicistic St. Wenceslas Church, ski jumping ramps or glass grinding works.
Tips for Trips
In winter cross-country skiing, in summer biking, hiking and scooter or car trips. There many places for leisure time activities for sport, nature or monument lovers. You can both be active and relax. The Krkonoše Mountains also offer several lifts most of which work all year round.
Mumlava Falls, spa Janské Lázně, Trosky Castle, Obří důl, Pančava Falls, numerous observation towers (e.g. Černá hora, Hnědý vrch, Žalý, Šibeník etc.), the Mining Museum Harrachov, Glass Museum Harrachov, Čapek Brothers Museum at Malé Svatoňovice, Sněžka, Labe Spring, Rýchorský Wild Forest, Pecka Castle, Vrchlabí Castle… these are just few interesting sights near Harrachov. Adrenaline lovers can enjoy the Vertical Park Harrachov, MTB Park Špindlerův Mlýn, Bungee Harrachov – Krkonoše, Paintball Horní Maršov etc.
For further information see the web pages of the Information Center at Harrachov: http://www.krkonose.eu .
Phone: +420 481 529 600 or email: tic@harrachov.cz. (They speak Czech, German, Polish and Russian there.)